Keane Tickets

About Keane
Keane is a popular English rock band that has been popular over the past few decades. The band first formed in Battle, located in England, and their music has been categorized as Alternative Rock, Pop Rock, and Post-British Pop over the course of their career. They have been signed to multiple labels during their career including Island, Interscope Records, and Fierce Panda. The current members are Richard Hughes, Tim Rice, Tom Chaplin, and Jesse Quin. Keane has gathered a large following since the 1990s and will be going on tour again this year.
A History of Keane
Keane was first formed in East Sussex, England in the town of Battle in 1995. They released their debut album about nine years later after performing locally for a period of time. Their debut album topped the charts in the UK and won the award for best album in 2005. This catapulted the band to mainstream popularity and contributed to their widespread dominance over the next few years. The band became known for using keyboards instead of guitars as their mainstream instrument, differentiating them from numerous other bands that are around today. The band released an album titled Hopes and Fears back in 2008 that was named by one of the British magazines as one of the best albums ever to have been released, further contributing to their success. The band continues to release albums today, recently releasing their fifth one. Keane will be going on tour again this year, much to the delight of all of their fans. Their music has the ability to cross generational lines, allowing them to remain popular today.
The Keane Tour and Tickets This Year
Keane will be going on tour again this year. Anyone who would like to catch a Keane concert should try to make plans as early as possible. There are still cheap Keane tickets on sale; however, the band is very popular and these tickets are not going to last long. Talk to a few friends and make plans to catch Keane live during their tour. Their shows are always exciting and should not be missed!