Chippendales Tickets
Performances in Airway Heights, WA

About Chippendales
Is there any outfit more iconic in the world of erotic dance than the bowtie-and-shirtcuffs-only upper-body costume worn by all-male erotic dance troupe Chippendales? Since their inception as the word's first males-only stripping company in 1979, Chippendales have legitimized the industry of stripping as performance art and redefined "girls night" for generations of women. In addition to world tours across the globe, Chippendales perform regularly on the Las Vegas strip in their custom-made $10 million theater in the Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino. Additionally, they have officially recognized affiliate performance troupes across the world in areas such as New York, London, Australia, Germany, Thailand and more. A Chippendales performance is a brash, bombastic striptease set to music and featuring bold performances by men in flawless physical condition. Wearing nothing but dress slacks, shirt cuffs and a bowtie, and even less later in the show, each Chippendale performer is showcased by the show's Broadway-inspired production. If you're looking for a night that certainly won't be forgotten any time soon, make Chippendales a priority on your list- you're guaranteed to be thinking (and dreaming) about their performance for weeks to come. Buy cheap tickets to see Las Vegas' hottest show while you can!