Hamtilon Minneapolis Tickets
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All the drama of the Revolutionary War is ignited again like gunpowder on stage to capture the imaginations of the modern Broadway audience. Bear witness to history re-made by getting your cheap Hamilton Minneapolis tickets here!
A genius musician becomes a historian
Lin-Manuel Miranda found a story hidden deep in the pages of a biography of Alexander Hamilton that stirred his imagination. Instead of seeing the dry tale that has been published in textbooks, he saw spirited individuals caught up in a dangerous dance of independence. In Hamilton, the personalities of the founding fathers and the other revolutionaries all but leapt onto the stage, capturing the audience's attention with rap battles, modern choreography, and hit songs. With diverse casting, Miranda managed to make this centuries-old tale relevant to today's socio-political climate, bridging the past and the present in a masterful way. Hamilton went on to sweep the Tony Awards, grab the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, and even march back across the Atlantic to take London's West End by storm.
Hamilton in Minneapolis
Hamilton on tour allows fans all over the country to finally have a chance to be part of the drama themselves! Cheap tickets to the performances at the Orpheum Theatre are sure to go fast, so don't wait any longer. Get your cheap Hamilton Minneapolis tickets today to avoid disappointment!