I spent four nights at the Kasumai, and found the owner, a former shipping Captain from Holland, to be a wonderful person. Many things can be a challenge in the Gambia, from finding an ATM that works for you, taxi drivers, good restaurants, etc. The owner has hired wonderful Gambians who are kind, professional and speak multiple languages. The Kasumai sits next to the monkey sanctuary where you can walk, has a nice beachside bar, and a great restaurant serving fish, steak and ribs. Every meal, every interaction with the team at Kasumai was great. They also have a security guard at the front, 24/7, and only let known guests or trusted local people onto the grounds. The only challenging thing I found was the pot hole ridden road getting to the Kasumai. Many roads around the hotel are challenging. Finally, there is a High Street/Restaurant row 1.5 miles away, which I walked to each day. Very safe. Dave from Minneapolis, USA