The room was dirty. We found a hair IN THE BED, crusty yellow stains on the under-sheet, dirty, scraped, gouged walls, unvacuumed carpet, the sink in the bathroom would not drain, the shower floor and walls were dirty. We arrived very late at night, otherwise we would have left. We checked out a day early so we were charged for a single night stay. Granted we slept there and showered in the morning so we did use the room but there should have been a deep discount considering it was unsanitary. The only reason I wont be publicly posting the photos and videos is because of Chastity. She worked the front desk, apologized and did a great job. We had a cordial conversation and left respecting her and her work ethic. It is only because of her customer service I am not demanding a full refund and posting all the pictures and video. I would never be willing to pay the full price to sleep in squalor, which I will never do again, but Chastity had superior customer service and again our conversation was what saved the reputation of this place.