Property manager/owner was attentive and communicative. The room was clean and well-appointed. Close to Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial, it is within walking distance for most, though there is not a defined sidewalk/path, so care must be taken if this is your mode. There is an attached cafe for lunch and the food is acceptable. There is a museum within walking distance, too.
OF IMPORTANCE, and nothing to do with the property. Taxi service is available from the train stations that serve the area, so getting there is not necessarily difficult for those not securing a rental car or part of a tour/group. Getting from the area to anywhere else via a taxi service is not easy. They simply are not present locally for the most part, so plan accordingly. Carry the phone number for a local taxi service and be prepared to call. Uber claims to have service in the area, but good luck. They will allow you to call a car, but the likelihood of ever connecting with one is next to zero.